How to match low carbon and circularity?

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Catherine is a consultant in low carbon circular approach. She helps companies in Europe and Asia design strategies of global sustainability.

In this podcast, Catherine, as a certified carbon auditor and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analyst, shares her experience and pictures the inbalance of our systems. Through her 15-year experience of accompanying companies, she explains how calculating eco-impacts of existing or to-be projects helps companies understand full lifecycles and costs, communicate on environmental added values, and harness sustainable innovations. She also shares on challenges shared by clients and on the limitations of carbon assessments and the need of global view on impacts. Following references are mentioned :

– Catherine’s website :

Blog by Olivier Remoissonnet, CEO of Bioseptyl, on the carbon footprint calculation of Bioseptyl’s recycled plastic and wood toothbrushes, and the imported competition (bamboo and plastics)


A recently published article written by Catherine

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